During the hot summer months, air conditioners play a crucial role in keeping your home cool and comfortable. What happens when your air conditioner starts to lose its efficiency? It’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate your air conditioner is losing efficiency. This way, you can take action quickly and ensure your family stays comfortable.

It Takes a Long To Cool
The first sign that something might be wrong with your air conditioner is if it takes longer than usual to cool down the house. If it takes more time than usual for the temperature in your house to drop, this could signal that something is wrong with your AC unit. Additionally, if you notice that some rooms are colder than others or if the temperature fluctuates throughout the day, this may also point to an issue with your air conditioner.
It Makes Strange Noises
Another indication that something might be wrong with your AC unit is when you hear strange noises. Unusual clanking or loud buzzing noises are not normal and could mean there’s something wrong with the system’s motor or fan blades. Are you constantly paying more for energy bills during the summer months? Then it’s probably time to call a professional HVAC company for help.
Your Unit Is More Than 10 Years Old
Finally, if your AC unit is more than 10 years old and has never been serviced, you should schedule an inspection ASAP. Older units typically have lower efficiency ratings compared to newer models. Plus, regular maintenance will extend the life of any AC unit regardless of age and keep it running efficiently all year long!
Get The Best AC Solutions
Do you ever hear strange noises coming from your air conditioner? Do you notice that the airflow rate throughout your house decreases or feel like your energy bill is slowly rising? If these warning signs sound familiar, it may be time to consider having an AC system check with a professional HVAC company. This can help to prevent any further damage and frustration that could occur in the long run.
Our professional technicians at Brighton Air Corp will be able to come out and assess your current system! We’ll take care of all your HVAC needs and get your home feeling comfortable again quickly! Don’t delay when it comes to taking care of an AC problem – contact Brighton Air Corp today!